Thursday, November 17, 2011

One of THOSE days

It's just been one of those days! You know the ones that make you scratch your head, laugh a little, and say "what"?

It starts off with a little pile of love on the steps when we wake up. Yes, that's some doggie love. My darling dog pooped on the steps last night. Not quite sure why? We gave him plenty of chances to go outside before bed. He's a little afraid of rain though, not the best when you live in the North West!

Later the Mr. decides to make a vet appointment for our dog to catch up on his shots. The call goes a little like this:
The Mr: "Yes, I need to make Riely's appointment for his shots we missed"
The Dr: "What's his birthday"?
The Mr: "Um ummmm ummmmm I'm not quite sure"
The Dr: "Ok, what is the last name"
The Mr: "ooohhhh oops wrong number....I was calling about my dog"

Haha the Mr. called the number on the fridge for our pediatrician's office! They were probably thinking what kind of super dad does not know their own child's birthday. We got a good laugh about that one.

Then I went on my merry way to the grocery store in the pouring down rain. Baby girl & I finish our shopping trip and we run to the car in the wind & rain. I leave the buggy at the back of the car while I get her all strapped into the car seat. I can't have my baby getting all wet while I load groceries! So after I get her all set up I go to put my bags into the back of the car. Ummm where is the cart? Oh there it is....rolling down the parking lot at full speed. Luckily I see a nice man running after it for me. I come running up and say "oh no I'm so sorry". He looked so freaked out and said "nice LADY, I thought there was a baby in this cart"!

I felt so awful. He was soaking wet and had gotten out of his car just to chase the cart! Our little fabric cart cover was still on the cart so I guess he caught a glimpse of it and thought a baby was in it. Oh yeah, mother of the year:)

So that was my crazy rainy day! Do you ever have day's like this?

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